1. From Evgeniy10
Hi! Andrew, tell me
honestly. Do your teammates like you? Look, the first game with Newcastle. All
the danger comes from you, remember your passes to Zhervino, Theo Walcott, van
Persie. Two of them were clear-cut chances. Alas, this is football, they did
not score, but did not give you passes as well. Then this game against
Liverpool, again, you give a pass to Robben, whose blunder, in my opinion, led
to the defeat. That couldn't have happened if the gunners had given you at
least a couple of passes. Then there was this game against Udinese, where you
were let out for just 3 minutes to play in the league. And once you played, you
can't be sold. It's a pity; we thought you'd start the Champions League in
Zenit. Anyway back to that game,you could have scored a goal, but Van Persie
decided otherwise, instead of giving it to Arshavin, who could have come one on
one, Robin decided to send the ball straight to the goalkeeper from 17 meters
distance. It's driving me mad. The game yesterday, you earned a penalty....
But, look, why your partners didn't pass to you again. Do they ignore the
Russian? The last question. Can Malafeev replace Akinfeev? Thank you and send
my regards to the coach Gordeev from Silkovskiy- we played together for
嗨!沙皇,請老實告訴我,你的隊友喜歡你嗎?聽著,在第一輪比賽對上紐卡的時候,所有具有攻擊性的球都來自於你,記得你傳給結命牛(詳見原文),哇靠和佩西,有兩球很明顯的就是個大好機會。哀,沒辦法,這就是足球,他們沒能進球,但他們也沒能傳好球給你。然後到了對了利物浦的比賽,又來了,你把球給了羅本(詳見原文),他卻搞砸了,就我看來,之所以會有失誤,就是因為槍手不能給你傳幾個好球。再來到了烏迪內斯的比賽,你只得到了3分鐘上場的時間,然後你也知道,一旦你上場就不能被賣掉了。真是可惜阿,我們都認為你會穿著Zenit的球衣出現在歐冠賽場上的。好啦,回到這場比賽當中,你可以有顆進球的,但范佩西卻做了其他的決定,不把球給你,你明明有機會可以單刀的。但羅賓(這次打對了)決定從17米外把球送給守門員,這讓我氣炸了。最後來到了昨天那場比賽,你得到了一個點球...但,你看又來了,你的隊友們又不把球傳給你了。他們是無視俄羅斯人嗎?最後一個問題,Malafeev可以取代Akinfeev嗎?謝謝你,請順便幫我問後來自Silkovskiy 的Gordeev教練,我們過去一起幫Svetlana踢球。
Arshavin: I do not think that they ignore me. Yesterday I could have scored myself. I want to wish Igor Akinfeev a speedy recovery. Slava is in good shape, he'll manage.
沙皇:我不覺得他們有無視我。昨天我是可以自己進球的。我想祝福Igor Akinfeev早日康復。
2. From
Hello Andrey, I am
writing for the third time, and I hope that this letter will finally reach
you:). Please tell me if miracles happen?
Arshavin: Of course.
Hello, Andrey :)
Regards from Siberia to you and Julia.) My question might not be very original
(may be you've already been asked this one).... Tell me, Andrey, is it true
that your friend A. Anyukov got married recently?))) I want to hear it from
you, personally :)) Thank you for your reply.)))
哈囉,沙皇:)來自西伯利亞,給你和Julia的問後。我的問題並不是那麼的有原創性(也許你已經被問過了)…請告訴我,沙皇,你的朋友A. Anyukov最近就要結婚了這是真的嗎?我想聽到你親口說出,私人的,謝謝你的回答。
Arshavin: Do not put me in an awkward position ;)
4. From Franceeeee
Andrey, I saw you
on June 25 in Moscow at the Vnukovo airport with your wife, what did you come
to Moscow for, if it's not a secret? Thanks
Arshavin: We
were on our way to Azerbaijan.
5. From 79233630952
I'm curious whether
it's you who answers these questions or not?))
Arshavin: You:)
6. From polevoy
Hi Andrey!
You have a lot of
fans, admirers and people who support you no matter what. But does it ever
happen to you that you have to support other people let's say with money or
give moral support, etc. Thanks in advance.
Arshavin: Sometimes.
7. From rafik95
Hello Andrey! I
love football, especially when you're playing. I want to ask you: 1) Have you
ever traveled through Russia? 2) Do you want to return to Zenit?
Arshavin: If you mean if I ever took a backpack and hit the road, no, it never happened in my life. But, in my childhood I traveled throughout the country a lot, participating in different tournaments. When playing in the Russian championships I also went to different places and managed to see our country. Russia is diverse, but it's great.
8. From Tihas93
Hi !!!!!!!!! I am a
huge fan of yours! My question is: what is your favorite Russian TV channel?
Mine is TNT. Looking forward to your answer)))
Arshavin: As I don't have any Russian channels in
England, I began watching RBK more often.
9. From nike666
Andrey, what's
Nikolay Valuev's shoe size? :)
沙皇,Nikolay Valuev穿幾號鞋呢?:)
Arshavin: I'm being prompted right now - 51.5.
10. From MaRinA555
Hello, Andrey!
I would like to
know if you believe in lifelong dreams coming true. Thank you in advance for
your reply.
Arshavin: Dreams Come True :)
沙皇:美夢會成真的 :)
11. From Pavel27
Hello Andrey,
Thank you for your
football. I wish you to come back to the way you played when you first joined
Arsenal, the way that led Zenit to winning the UEFA Cup.
I want to know your
opinion regarding two things:
1. To what extent
is psychology important in football?
2. When athletes
fail there are usually two opinions: "they are also people, everybody has
bad days」, "they are professionals and should show the result every day of
the week" How should we treat athletes, as "people" or as "professionals"?
Thanks in advance.
Pavel, St.
Arshavin: Psychology is important in any path of life, not just
in sports. If you believe in yourself, you will easily overcome all the
difficulties that arise on your way.
2. Pavel, I honestly understand that the result is important. But believe me, a
true athlete is trying to do the utmost in every competition, the other thing
is – not everything turns out the way you want.
沙皇:1.心理學在人生的各個面向都很重要,不僅僅是在運動上。如果你相信自己,你就會變成比較容易克服所面對的困境。2. Pavel,我很誠實的告訴你,結果真的非常的重要。但是相信我,一個真正的運動員面對每場比賽都會全力以赴的,但其他的東西,很多都沒辦法照著預期發展。
12. From energoman7
Andrey, I'm not a
fan of Zenit, but I'm a fan of the Russian talents. I'm the same age as you
are; I also played football but got a knee injury. I'm frustrated by the
defense of our Russian national team. Why the ball does not go forward until
all defense touched it! (In most cases) Regards, Anton M.
沙皇,我並不是Zenit的球迷,但是我是俄羅斯球員的球迷。我和你同年,同樣的我也踢球,但很不幸的我的膝蓋受傷了。 我為我們的俄羅斯國家隊的防守流淚,為什麼球總是沒辦法往前送,直到所有的防守球隊碰到球為止!(在大部分的情況)
Arshavin: We are working on it :)
13. From don610
Hi Andrey! I'm from
Kemerovo. I respect you as a player. There was a charity game in Kemerovo 「The
Power of Russia」, you were playing against Nikolay Valuev. Why didn't you give
嗨沙皇!我來自Kemerovo。我尊重作為球員的你。在Kemerovo曾舉辦過一場名為」俄羅斯之力」的公益球賽,你有參加,並對上了Nikolay Valuev。但為什麼你不願意簽名呢?
Arshavin: Wherever there was an opportunity, I gave autographs. We were in the center of the city, there were a lot of weddings on that day and I guess, if you look at the pictures of the newlyweds, you might have an impression that I was present at every wedding During the warm-up, when the fans ran out on the pitch I was giving autographs to the guys on my way to the tunnel. After the game we were in a hurry to the formal event and Kolya and I didn't have a chance to give an autograph session. It didn't depend on us.
14. From
Hello, Andrey! Have
you ever heard about Nizhny Novgorod and Dzerzhinsk – the nearby city?? Are you
going to visit these cities any time in the future?? Thanks in advance!
哈囉,沙皇!請問你有聽過Nizhny Novgorod和Dzerzhinsk ─ 這兩座鄰近的城市?你未來有打算拜訪這些城市嗎?謝謝你的回答。
Arshavin: Why do
people often ask me about the cities? If I know them or not? Do they check my
knowledge of geography? Nizhny Novgorod - formerly Gorky. I know something
about this city. Back in Zenit we had a footballer - Ilya Maksimov, he was from
this city. He used to tell us about it. I don't know the history of Dzerzhinsk,
God willing, I will visit it someday.
沙皇:為什麼人們總是要問我城市的事?問我知不知道那?他們是在檢查我的地理知識嗎?Nizhny Novgorod ─ 原Gorky,我對這個城市認識不少,回到我在Zenit的時候,我們有過隊友Ilya Maksimov他就是來自這裡。他和我們說過有關他家鄉的事,我並不曉得Dzerzhinsk的歷史。如果老天允許,我有一天會去拜訪的。
15. From arturzevs
Hi Andrey, I've
been a fan of Zenit since you started playing for it. Ever since that time I
haven't missed a single game. I also watch the Arsenal games for one reason:
you play on this team. I lived for 16 years in St. Petersburg, now I live in
Yerevan. I'm curious how you were greeted in Yerevan? What do you think about
the Armenian national team? And about the Russian team in the European
Championship 2012. Thank you in advance, I wish you success!
Arshavin: I've already talked about the warm welcome of our team in Yerevan. It seemed to us that they love us there.
16. From iorh99
Hello, Andrey, my
name is Denis. I am 11 years old. I'm a big fan of FC Zenit and FC Arsenal.
I've got 3 questions.
1. Have you ever
been to the Altai region? And where exactly?
2. Where can I
order your Arsenal shirt.
1.你有到過Altai region嘛?確切的來說是哪裡?
1. No, I haven't been to Altai. I've heard many good things about this region.
They say about the beauty of these places.
2. On the Arsenal site, it's also possible on my site as well.
17. From
Hi, Andrey. I'm not
going to sing praises to you but I watch the Arsenal games only because of you.
You can, without making much effort, create good chances on the pitch. With
regard to the recent criticism of your game for the national team (although I
believe that it is impossible to play for the national side on the same level
as for Arsenal), I've got some questions. How do you feel about all the
criticism? Do you criticize people and how often? Do the Arsenal fans hate you
or love you? I asked the last question because in England they rarely treat the
stars indifferently. They either love or hate them. Thanks for your game. (Alex
from Astrakhan)
Arshavin: The Arsenal fans love me. As for the criticism, if a person expresses his independent opinion, even if it is wrong, that's OK. It's much worse, when the critic sings to someone else's tune. As for me criticizing other people, guilty, it happens.
18. From Katkov99
Andrey, hi! Is it
true that football in England is the most brutal?
P.S: And what is
your salary?
I would call it physical football. There is a lot of fighting going on. Each
team has a lot of tall, athletic players who are trying to use their strength.
In addition the referees allow fighting on the pitch, they whistle less, and
basically a push in the back is not a foul to the referees. A lot of struggle
is in the air. Actually, yes – English football is the toughest.
19. From glasnaroda
Andrey, you are the
symbol not only of Zenit but of all Russian football. You are an accomplished
European star. Each year you are in the English top ten according to the goal
pass system. You promised to continue your career only in Zenit. When are you
going back to Russia? You can't earn all money in the world and anyway you are
wealthy enough already. Please do not make a mistake. Do not go to Anji. You'll
be given up for lost for millions of the Russian fans. One well-known player is
already dead for millions. And it's not only words. Read the press and the
comments. It's your choice, Andrey.
Arshavin: A man should live the way he wants. Yura's choice is his choice.
Ya:Yura是Yuri Zhirkov的暱稱。這邊小補充一下FC Anzhi Makhachkala在2011年初的時候被億萬富翁Suleyman Kerimov買下,成為俄超新貴,之後開始投資了很多錢在買球員上面,像是Carlos和Eto,當然給的薪水也非常非常的高,今年夏轉科科夫也從車車轉會到了Anzhi Makhachkala。很多球迷看不慣Anzhi Makhachkala這種灑大錢的玩法,覺得會願意為Anzhi Makhachkala效力的球員根本就是為了錢。
20. From SWGSAM
Hi Andrey!
I would like to ask
– don't you feel discomfort about playing on the wing, don't you want to play
central forward, like you often played in Zenit? Have you ever discussed with
Wenger the options of your position on the pitch? I'm also interested how Cesc
and Nasri react to the speculations regarding their forthcoming transfers to
Barcelona and Manchester City? In what kind of mood do they train? Thanks in
Arshavin: No, we haven't discussed it. Wenger uses me in the games as he sees fit.
21. From
Hi, Andrey, my name
is Kolya. I'm 13. I want to play for some club, tell me please what I'm
supposed to do at the casting?
Arshavin: You're supposed to have a run so that the coach sees your start-up speed, to work with the ball: to juggle, to send some passes, to hit the net.
22. From Veroneka
Andrey, I do not
understand your new commercial. Tell me, why you're sitting in the stands and
the colors of the fans' flags are red and yellow?
Arshavin: My role in this commercial was written by the director. I cannot do anything about it. I wasn't a screenwriter. If it was me who thinks up the plot, it would be different.
23. From fakez1234
Hello Andrey!
Please tell me the name of your hairstyle on the pic where you're wearing a
pink jersey in the News section of the site :) Thanks in advance.
Arshavin: It is a difficult one to answer. Think up something yourself.
24. From KaTe13
Andrey, what author
did you pick to write your final school essay about? Did you find out the
possible topics for the essay at the exam or called some relatives or friends
in Vladivostok to find this out. (Due to the time difference the kids in
Vladivostok start writing their final composition earlier then in the other
regions of Russia). What grade did you get? ;)
Arshavin: I got good marks. I can't remember the topic. I guess, we were allowed to choose from several options. Back then we didn't have to hold a Unified State Exam.
25. From arshamania
Hello, dear Andrey!
I would like to find out who do you have the best relationship with in Arsenal?
p.s. Andrey, you are our hope and joy!
Arshavin: Used to be with Samir. Now I'm hanging out with the young :)
26. From chercamara
In which way London
is better then Saint-Petersburg? What do you lack in England and what are you
gonna miss when (and if) you return back to Russia? And a mini - question: it
is true that the weather in England is no better than here in Saint-Petersburg?
Arshavin: For me Saint-Petersburg is better than London. What am I lacking here? My relatives and friends. I understand that when I come back home, of course, there will be something I'm going to miss about London, after all I've been living in this city and played on the team for several years now. I guess I'll be able to figure out what I'm going to miss only when Julia and I come back to Saint-Petersburg. Weather? I would say, it's not worse!
27. From luba2000
Hi Andrey! How do
you think Yura Zhirkov's career is going to turn out in Anji and in the
national team after he was stupidly booed at the Locomotive stadium?
Arshavin: Yura has a strong character. He won't break down and will cope with all the misfortunes. I'm sure he will be doing great in the Russian national team as well as in Anji.
28. From Strannay
Tell me please: do
you have a lot of girls among your fans?
Arshavin: Probably, I don't know I never counted ;)
29. From nike666
Andrey, how would
you describe your character?
Arshavin: Diverse.
30. From 90325678
My name is Vova, I
am 11 years old. I'm from Saint-Petersburg. I've got just one kidney. I wanted
to ask you whether it's possible for me to become a professional footballer.
Arshavin: Vova, if the doctors won't mind, if you have the desire and the talent, it's possible. There were such examples in the Russian Championship. There was a good player in CSKA - Valera Minko. He played at a very decent level. I wish you health and good luck!
31. From
Andrey, how often
are you given a day off during a week? For example, after a win do they give
you the next day off?
Arshavin: Last year, at the end of the season it was the other way round. We lost to some team and got a day off. And after a fairly good win, the next day we spent training. But well, usually, we have one day off during a week.
32. From
I'm 14 years and
have been playing football for 3 years but after one away game my knees started
to ache. I'm interested: at what age did you get your first injury? Is it
possible that I'll probably have to quit…
Arshavin: Don't get upset. This is due to the age-related changes. You grew up but your joints still fragile, haven't developed to the full yet. And playing football, you overload your knees. My advice to you - take a break; have more rest in these moments. Over the time the pain in your knees will go away.
33. From
What are the best
boots for the artificial pitch?
Arshavin: I used to have no clue how to play in the boots on the artificial pitch. Now the pitches are so that you can play in the 6-spiked boots as well as in the 12-spiked ones.
34. From
Tell me, Andrey,
can you cook fried eggs?))) I just ask 『cause I'm curious
Arshavin: I think that even a donkey will be able to cook this dish :) But seriously, what's so difficult about it? Just take a couple of eggs and break them into a pan.
35. From
Hello Andrey, I
always follow your games, I think that you are clearly underestimated by Arsene
Wenger, you are the only person who can bring some danger and make something
wonderful in attack, there are no other players like you in Arsenal, and just a
few in Europe. I wanted to ask you whether you talked to Wenger about your
substitutions and what's the reason of them. And the second one: what position
is more comfortable for you to play? Thanks in advance
Arshavin: No, he doesn't discuss these things with me. He is a coach, he makes the decisions. 2. It's not important for me where to play, though, the closer to the attack – the better.
36. From serega1996
Andrey, I'm Sergey
Loginov from Kemerovo. Did you like our city when you were here and what sights
of our city did you like?
沙皇,我是來自Kemerovo的Sergey Loginov。你喜歡我們的城市嗎?你什麼時候會來以及你喜歡我們城市的哪些景點呢?
Arshavin: Basically, I liked everything I saw. I can point out, perhaps the museum on Krasnaya Gorka.
沙皇:基本上,我喜歡我所看見的一切。我可以特別指出來,也許是那間在Krasnaya Gorka的博物館。
37. From Milo4ka
Hi Andrey! Please
tell me if you have a brother Alexey? Thanks in advance.
Arshavin: No. I don't. But maybe he has a brother Andrey
38. From Pasha999
Dear Andrey, I am
your fan and I would like to ask you a question. Do we need to teach children
the European way of playing football? Thanks in advance. I'm from the Stavropol
region. Zaitsev Pasha.
親愛的沙皇,我是你的球迷,我想問你一個問題。我們應該要教小孩歐洲的踢球方式嗎?謝謝你的回答。我來自Stavropol region。
Arshavin: I think that every national team should
have its own style. Previously, the southern republics of the Soviet Union had
their own signature style, the Ukrainian, Moscow and Leningrad teams another. I
think that the Russian national team should also have its own style.
As for children, I believe that the sooner a child begins to play with the
ball, the more skills he'll acquire and it will give him an advantage among his
39. From Helena1989
Andrey, I've got
this question: Will the Russian national team play at the Petrovsky stadium
again? By the way, how are your adorable kids doing ))))))))????
沙皇,我已經問過這個問題了:俄羅斯國家隊會再一次的在Petrovsky stadium比賽嗎?順便問一下,你那些可愛的小孩們最近如何)))))))????
Arshavin: Of course it will. If not this year then probably the next, but the Saint-Petersburg citizens will see our squad. Children? They came back to London after spending some time by the sea. In early September, Artem and Yana will fly to St. Petersburg for a week. We renovate the apartment. Julia has to control the process, so they will fly home. My children will see their grandmothers, walk around the city, go to our summer house.Artem and Yana are looking forward to this trip, because this way they won't have to go to school and kindergarten :) They also enjoy having rides on the Zenit train around St. Petersburg.
40. From Alenas
Hello, Andrey, I
watched the match against Newcastle and the commentator said that Wenger was
going to leave by the end of the season. Why? Is it because of Fabregas
transfer to Barcelona or because Arsenal haven't seen trophies for quite a long
period of time? I want Arsene to stay! Thank you!
Arshavin: Rumours.