1. From
Hi, Andrey! How did you celebrate May 9? Were you at the parade in St.
AA: In my thoughts I was at the parade with the
citizens of St.Petersburg.
2. From asasin45
How to
persuade my old man to enroll me into a football school?
AA: If you keep on insisting on it and treat him with more respect he will let you play football. The most important thing is not to let football interfere with your studies.
3. deni9403
Hi Andrey!
I have started studying English not long ago and I would
like to ask you what methods you use when learning English? Thanks in advance.
AA: In school
and at the institute our English program was a standard one,
developed by the Ministry of Education. In Zenit we had a teacher. His name was
Mark. He had his own interesting methods of teaching language. But, well, when
I came to London, I realized that I should communicate with people more, listen
and memorize, read in English and watch local TV. Although, frankly, I'm not
quite happy with my knowledge of English and want to study it more seriously.
Not long ago we went to the premiere of Harry Potter and at some point I felt
quite uncomfortable when the audience around broke out in laughter and you sit
there turning your head from side to side. But, well, I've got something to
strive for. It's never too late to learn.
4. 010 792
Can you
please come to the social hotel for children with life
difficulties in St. Petersburg (pr.Elizarova d.31 / 3) the children are really
asking for you)))))
可以請你來聖彼得堡的Social Hotel幫助生活困難的兒童嗎?孩子們真的很想見你!!!
AA: I try to visit such places, but it's difficult for one person to be everywhere and I'm not often in Saint-Petersburg. Maybe some other players or actors can visit the kids right now. I know that the Zenit players, for example, try to do it when an opportunity occurs.
5. Set1000
What do you
feel when a goal is scored after your foul?
AA: I try not to foul near our penalty area.
6. 14Tanja
Hi Andrey! Answer please my question. Have you been to the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate?
AA.: No. But Julia and I were following this event on TV. It was a remarkable date and not only for the royal family.
Hi Andrey!)
I'm interested whether you're planning to live in St.Petersburg after you
football career is over or you have an eye on some other city?
AA: I was born in Leningrad, and my children were born there, my home is there, my Dad was buried there. It is my motherland and it can't be chosen or betrayed.
8. Set1000
How many questions do you get per day?
AA: About a hundred.
9. maxim007maxim
Hello Andrey, please reply to this message I sent it to you 5 times and you never responded. I wanna ask whether the English have strict rules regarding environmental issues. Thanks in advance!
AA: There are very strict laws here. The Green protest very often, sometimes they block the streets.
10. Ola200
Hi, my
friend and I wanted to ask you a question))) I hope you will answer))
Who do you prefer – the English or the Russian fans? I'm very very curious)))))
AA: I like my own fans the best ))))
Back in my days I was playing football in my God-forgotten town, I was the best
player of the school and our town but I couldn't quite understand our coach who
paid very little attention to the playing practice. There were guys in our
squad who drank, smoked and generally were a bad influence but our coach kept
them in the team. I want to know how it was in your football school.
AA: I guess even if there were this type of guys in my 「Smena」 football school, the coach didn't know about it. If he had found out, they would have been off the team; he would have kicked them out.
please tell us, we saw you, Yuri Zhirkov and Roman
Pavlyuchenko wearing identical suits to Gorbachev's anniversary. Was it your
idea or just dress-code? And it seemed, judging from the photographs,
that they were not entirely comfortable and at ease wearing them which can't be
said about you and Julia. Very positive pics, unfortunately there are not too
many pics on your web-site, maybe you can post some from your personal archive?
Thanks in advance .Piter rules .:)))
沙皇,請告訴我們,我們看到你和科科夫還有泡芙穿著一樣的西裝去參加 Gorbachev's 紀念音樂會。這是你的點子嘛?還是服裝規定?恩,而且從照片看來,這西裝似乎穿起來不是很舒適?但你穿起來和Julia看起來非常的棒,可惜在你的個人網站上沒有太多的照片。也許你可以上傳一些到你的個人資料區?謝謝你的回答。聖彼得堡最高:))
AA: Everybody was wearing different suits. According to the dress-code we were also supposed to wear a white shirt and a black tie.
Hi Andrey,
I know the players who take snuff after training or games. Do you have any bad
AA: I've never done drugs in my entire life and I don't recommend you to do them.
14. Nastradamus
Andrey! I've read that you respect honesty so I'll ask you directly:Why don't you fight on every patch of the pitch? Don't take it as insult.
AA: I do not agree with you. You can't say that I avoid confrontations or take my legs away when fighting. If I do not fight, then it means that at this point my strength left me.
15. Kanat76
Hi Andrey.
I am a longtime fan of Arsenal. It is a pity that
we could
not win some games. For example, Tottenhem turned out to be a tough nut to
crack. What does Arsene Wenger usually say
after such games?
AA: Usually there is silence in the locker room. What' the point to say anything? Everything has been lost, it can't be undone. The guys feel devastated at such moments.
Andrey, why
there is such a bad situation with goalies in the club?
AA: In my opinion, everything got stable.
17. Pogrebnyak29
Andrey, what is your normal training schedule: how many trainings and how long do they last?
AA: During the preseason we have two sessions, one for 1hour 30 min and the other for 1 hour 10 min. During the season we have just one that lasts from 1 hour 10 min to 1 hour 25 min. Here I'm talking only about our training on the pitch, but we also go to the gym, do stretching and yoga.
18. Pogrebnyak29
Andrey, do you go home right after your away games or sometimes stay for the night?
AA: I always come back home, Julia is waiting))
19. Moonray
Hi, Andrey!
Your fans have asked you a lot of questions and you have answered a lot of
them. Tell me, what you think about writing a book, like the one Igor Akifeev
wrote 「One hundred penalties from the readers」. Have you read it? You could
pick up the most interesting questions and answer them at length. I'd love to
read such a book!
Thank you,
嗨,沙皇!你的球迷問了你很多問題,然後你也回答了不少。告訴我,你有想過要寫書嗎?就像是Igor Akifeev寫的「來自讀者的一百個點球」你讀過嗎?你可以選一些有趣的問題,適當的回答,放進這本書裡。我會很想讀這樣的一本書的!謝謝你。
AA: I already had a similar project. The book was called "555 Questions and Answers".
Ya: Akifeev是守門員,我覺得這個書名非常的棒,很有意思。
20. Moonray
Andrey, my
brother wants to know about the lobsters' behavior during the mating season.
Thank you. N.
AA: I've never thought about it before :)) I see them only either stewed or roasted :)
沙皇:我從沒想過這個問題: ))每次我看到他們時,都是燉過或是烤過的時候:)
21. Moonray
Andrey, you have not used your trademark gesture when scoring for a long time. Even when you scored against Barcelona, you didn't put your finger to your lips but Walcott when playing against Tottenham did. Did you give him this gesture? N.
AA: No, I didn't give it. It's all legitimate, Theo has got a franchise:
22. GavrilovaJulia
Andrey, tell me, do you plan more children? Thanks in advance for your response.
AA: It's all in God's hands.