


@JackWilshere what's the song/album do you listen to the most atm? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你最常聽的歌/專輯是什麼? 

@minigrayce we found love- rihanna

@minigrayce we found love- rihanna

@JackWilshere #AskJack How different Life has been after becoming a Dad?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 成為爸爸後,生活上有甚麼不同嗎? 

@Waz_Gunner changes everything but would not have it any other way now!

@Waz_Gunner 每件事都改變了,但我試著換個角度看這一切。 


@JackWilshere who's your fave on the X-Factor this year? #AskJack

@威脅兒 今年X-Factor當中你最喜歡的是? #請問威脅兒 

@Official_Aiman the risk and janet!

@Official_Aiman the riskjanet!


@JackWilshere Who's the worst dressed player at Arsenal? #AskJack

@威脅兒 在兵工廠當中誰是品味最糟的? #請問威脅兒 

@Sumbal_mufc @Frimpong26AFC is very bad

@Sumbal_mufc @Frimpong26AFC(澎澎)很糟 



@JackWilshere did you ever picture yourself to be where you are now? #AskJack xx

@威脅兒 你曾經試著想像過現在的自己嗎? @請問威脅兒 xx

@WilshereLovers always dreamt about it

@WilshereLovers 我總是夢想著。 


@JackWilshere how do you spend a perfect night in? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你都怎麼計畫你完美的夜晚? #請問威脅兒 

@Official_Aiman Mums cooking, Archie and X-factor= perfect

@Official_Aiman 媽媽煮的菜,阿奇再加上X-factor等於完美。 


@JackWilshere If you weren't a footballer, what would you do/be? #AskJack

@威脅兒 如果你不是足球員,你會做些甚麼? #請問威脅兒 

@Sumbal_mufc i would be a plumber like my old man

@Sumbal_mufc 和我老爸一樣是個水管工 



@JackWilshere if Archie wanted to play for a different team than Arsenal would you let him? #AskJack

@威脅兒 如果阿奇想要為兵工廠以外的球隊踢球,你會讓他去嗎? #請問威脅兒 

@Official_Aiman of course just not tottenham haha

@Official_Aiman 當然,不過熱刺除外哈哈 


@JackWilshere What's your fave day of the week? #AskJack

@威脅兒 一週當中你最喜歡哪一天? #請問威脅兒 

@Sumbal_mufc match day

@Sumbal_mufc 比賽日 


@JackWilshere What is your biggest fear in life? :) #AskJack

@威脅兒 你人生當中最害怕的是甚麼?:) #請問威脅兒 

@Emma_persie Spiders!!!!!

@Emma_persie 蜘蛛!!!!!



@JackWilshere do you see yourself as an arsenal captain one day? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你可以想像自己有一天成為廠長嗎? #請問威脅兒 

@sitieesatay that would be a dream come true

@sitieesatay 那會像是美夢成真一般 


@JackWilshere How many contacts do you have on BBM? #AskJack

@威脅兒 請問你的BBM(blackberry messenger)上有多少聯絡人? #請問威脅兒 

@Sumbal_mufc 54

@Sumbal_mufc 54 

@JackWilshere are you excited for London 2012? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你期待2012倫敦奧運嗎? #請問威脅兒 

@Official_Aiman can not wait!

@Official_Aiman 等不及了! 


@JackWilshere What's your fave TV show? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你最喜歡的電視節目? #請問威脅兒 

@Sumbal_mufc Gossip Girl

@Sumbal_mufc Gossip Girl(台譯:花邊教主)


@JackWilshere do u watch Tennis? Which Professional tennis player u appreciate the most? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你看網球嗎?你最欣賞那為職業網球選手? #請問威脅兒 

@TeamMiquel i love nadal. his power is scary

@TeamMiquel 我喜歡納達爾。他的力量非常之驚人 



#askjack @JackWilshere did you expect to have more than 900,000 follower when you opened your Twitter account ?

#請問威脅兒 @威脅兒 在你申請Twitter帳號時,你有想過你將會有90萬關注者嗎? 

@F_alrayes98 never!

@F_alrayes98 想都沒想過! 


@JackWilshere what teams would you like to see in the top 4? #AskJack xx

@威脅兒 你會喜歡看到那4支球隊在英超排行榜的前四名? #請問威脅兒 xx

@WilshereLovers would love to see Arsenal, City, united and chelsea, the best teams in the prem!

@WilshereLovers 我會想看見兵工廠,曼城,曼聯和車車,這些在英超當中最棒的球隊! 


@JackWilshere who is your single greatest inspiration in life? #AskJack

@威脅兒 誰是你生活當中,啟發你最多的人? #請問威脅兒 

@Cain_11 Beckham

@Cain_11 貝克漢


@JackWilshere what is your Christmas wish? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你的聖誕願望是什麼? #請問威脅兒 

@LeahWilshere to be fit for the new year!

@LeahWilshere  在新的一年可以健健康康的! 


@JackWilshere #AskJack Who is the best player you have ever played with?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 你共事過最棒的球員是誰? 

@Jack_Wilsonn Cesc Fabregas

@Jack_Wilsonn 法佈雷加斯 


#AskJack can I have a happy birthday tweet jack?

#請問威脅兒 我可以得到一個生日快樂推文嗎,傑克? 

@supateejay happy birthday

@supateejay 生日快樂 


Toughest opponent you have played against?? #askjack

你遇過最強硬的對手?? #請問威脅兒 

@Callum94__XD toughest is Nigel De jong

@Callum94__XD 最強硬的是尼熱爾德榮



@JackWilshere why are you a retard? #AskJack

@威脅兒 為什麼你是個笨蛋? #請問威脅兒 

@mollieworbey shut it you!

@mollieworbey 你給我閉嘴 


@JackWilshere Do you still hold Luton Town Fc in you're highest regard? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你還有在關注Luton Town Fc的事嗎? #請問威脅兒 

@James_LTFC yeah always looking to see how they have done

@James_LTFC 是的我都有留意他們在做些什麼。 


@JackWilshere who's been your favourite player in your life time so far? #AskJack

@威脅兒 誰是你生命當中至目前為止最喜歡的球員? #請問威脅兒 

@Sudra04 there is a few! i loved Gazza, i loved Di canio, i love Beckham and of course love watching messi

@Sudra04 there 很多!我喜歡GazzaDi canio,我愛貝克漢,當然我也喜歡欣賞梅西的球技! 


Whats your opinion on Tom Cleverly ?#AskJack

你認為Tom Cleverly如何? #請問威脅兒 

@MUNITEDQ8 Great player big future

@MUNITEDQ8 很棒的球員,有著光明的未來。 

我想這裡指的是曼聯的球員,大家暱稱為聰明利的Tom Cleverley吧,不曉得是不是少拚了一個e


Did u enjoy ur time at bolton, do u think wanderers helped u #askjack


@Burnzy1981 loved it there helped me loads owe alot to owen coyle and his team! great bunch of lads

@Burnzy1981 我很喜歡,他們幫助我很多,我欠Owen Coyle和他的球隊很多!很棒的一隻球隊。 



@JackWilshere Apart from archie, What is your most prized posession? #AskJack

@威脅兒 除了阿奇之外,你最重視的是甚麼? #請問威脅兒 

@MacNeil_10 Good question would have to be my pugs! love them

@MacNeil_10 好問題,我會說是我的狗兒們!愛他們



@JackWilshere Madrid or Barca ????? #AskJack

@威脅兒 皇馬或巴薩????? #請問威脅兒 

@AiReallyAm Madrid love mouriniho

@AiReallyAm 皇馬,喜歡鳥叔 


@JackWilshere jack where do u think villa will finsh this season ??? thxz pal #askjack :)

@威脅兒 你認為這個賽季結束,維拉在積分榜上的位子會在哪??? 謝啦夥計 #請問威脅兒:)

@Harj_24 top 10 for sure! good team

@Harj_24 當然會在前10名以內!他們是支很棒的球隊。 


@JackWilshere do you miss @cesc4official? #AskJack xx

@威脅兒 你會想念@cesc4official(法佈雷加斯)嗎? #請問威脅兒 xx

@WilshereLovers @cesc4official yes of course we miss him great player!

@WilshereLovers @cesc4official(法佈雷加斯)當然會阿,我們都很想念他,他是個很棒的球員! 


@JackWilshere where do you see yourself in 10 years time? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你能想像未來10年的你嗎? #請問威脅兒 

@LeahWilshere winning trophies with arsenal

@LeahWilshere 和兵工廠一起贏得獎盃 


@JackWilshere #AskJack What's your phone wallpaper?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 請問你的手機桌布是? 

@Danny_Stocky Archie

@Danny_Stocky 阿奇。 


@JackWilshere what's your favourite sandwich? #askjack

@威脅兒 你最喜歡的三明治口味是? #請問威脅兒 

@Rajen14 chicken and bacon with garlic mayo

@Rajen14 雞肉培根加上蒜味美乃滋(蛋黃醬)


@JackWilshere #AskJack do you think you owe alot to Wenger?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 你覺得你虧欠教授很多嗎? 

@joshpoole23 yes he put his faith in me and gave me my chance

@joshpoole23 是的,他把他的信念灌輸在我身上並給我機會。



gonna go out now @JackWilshere you want nandos? #AskJack

我現在要出門了@威脅兒,要幫你從nando帶點吃的嗎? #請問威脅兒 

@syairahfarhana would love one! double pitta please medium with spicy rice :)

@syairahfarhana 當然好!來分中的雙層圓麵包,喔請記得幫我加辣飯:)


@JackWilshere Do you like Nutella ? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你喜歡Nutella嗎?#請問威脅兒 

@AliaaRj love it could live on it

@AliaaRj 愛極了,我可以只靠他活下去。 




@JackWilshere shag, marry, kill - Jeff Stelling, @chris_kammy & Phill Thompson - #AskJack

@威脅兒 Jeff Stelling@chris_kammyPhill Thompson三人當中,選一個和他發生性關係,一個和他結婚並殺了剩下的那一個。

@jamiedouglas92 i could not answer this but great question haha

@jamiedouglas92 很有趣的問題,但我不能回答哈哈。 

※球迷問得 Phill Thompson應該指的是 Phil Thompson,可能多打了一個L


@JackWilshere #AskJack Which magazines do you like to read?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 你喜歡看甚麼雜誌? 

@ChiaraCrowder not really a magazine reader but like 442 and also the Arsenal mag

@ChiaraCrowder 我不能算是個正真的雜誌讀者,但我喜歡看442和兵工廠官雜。

JuneCover470x470.jpg    tumblr_ldpg15hfTh1qd211c.jpg  



@JackWilshere did you enjoy your time with cesc and nasri when they were still in arsenal? #AskJack

@威脅兒 當法佈雷加斯和納斯里還在兵工廠的時候,你喜歡和他們在一起嗎? #請問威脅兒 

@dhishas loved it two great players

@dhishas 喜歡,他們兩個是多麼棒的球員。 


@JackWilshere what is your favourite foreign league? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你最喜歡的外語是? #請問威脅兒 

@billyedwards94 spanish

@billyedwards94 西班牙文。 


@JackWilshere oh oh oh, who's the BEST at FIFA? :) #AskJack

@威脅兒 ~~喔,誰Fifa打得最好?:) #請問威脅兒 

@tashavanderful i am not called FIFA king for nothing!

@tashavanderful Fifa之王可不是浪得虛名啊!



@JackWilshere If archie wishes to play for tottenham,would you let him? #AskJack

@威脅兒 如果阿奇希望可以替熱刺效力,你會讓他去嗎? #請問威脅兒 

@arunh7 no chance

@arunh7 門都沒有。 


@JackWilshere #askjack what is the greatest goal you have ever scored in your life from the priory school times up to now ?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 從你在足球學校到現在,你最棒的進球是? 

@CallumJW19scott in the reserves against westham

@CallumJW19scott 在預備隊時與西漢姆的進球 


@JackWilshere #askjack if you could be any animal what would u be and why lol ?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 如果你可以變成任何一種動物,你會選哪種動,為什麼() 

@CallumJW19scott a dog so i could sleep all day

@CallumJW19scott 狗,因為我就可以一整天一直睡覺了。 


@JackWilshere #AskJack your favorite away stadium?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 你最喜歡的客場球場? 

@anninox old trafford

@anninox 老特拉福 




@JackWilshere #AskJack What do you think about Snoop Dogg ?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 對於史奴比狗狗你有甚麼看法? 

@MimKun legend

@MimKun 傳奇。 


@JackWilshere Would you like to take on the role of Arsenal captain in a few years time? #AskJack

@威脅兒 在未來幾年,你會想要接下兵工廠隊長一職嗎? #請問威脅兒 

@Andrea_AFC i would love to

@Andrea_AFC 我很樂意。 


@JackWilshere Who is your favourite Xfactor judge? #AskJack

@威脅兒 誰是你最喜歡的Xfactor評審? #請問威脅兒 

@0xxkatiexx0 Kelly.......she is hot

@0xxkatiexx0 凱莉.......她好辣 


@JackWilshere if you could play for any national team other than England, which would it be and why? #AskJack

@威脅兒 如果你能夠替任何英格蘭以外的國家隊踢球,你會選哪個國家,為什麼? #請問威脅兒

@TheKop10 i am english and proud so only England!!!

@TheKop10 我是英國人而且我以身為英國人為榮,所以沒有英格蘭以外的第二個答案!!! 

@JackWilshere Do you have any other hobbies besides football? #AskJack

@請問威脅兒 你有除了足球之外的興趣嗎? #請問威脅兒 

@KaajalThakker ps3, golf, abit of cooking!

@KaajalThakker ps3,高爾夫和一點點的下廚!



@JackWilshere #AskJack Do you want to play for team GB 2012?..

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 你想為2012倫敦奧運的英格蘭隊踢球嗎? 

@Nassir213 would love to!

@Nassir213 我很樂意! 


@JackWilshere what is your favourite team in Italy ? #AskJack

@威脅兒 請問你最喜歡的義大利球隊是? #請問威脅兒 

@orgulloygloria Inter!

@orgulloygloria 國際隊! 



@JackWilshere stuck in an elevator with: Rihanna or Megan fox? #AskJack

@威脅兒 比較想和誰困在電梯裡:蕾哈娜還是梅根福克斯 #請問威脅兒 

@cescmachine Rihanna all day

@cescmachine 蕾哈娜,一整天。 


@JackWilshere What are you dogs called? #askjack :)

@請問威脅兒 請問你的狗兒們叫什麼名字? #請問威脅兒 :)

@stefdruash Rex and Dolly

@stefdruash 雷克斯和多莉 


@JackWilshere Are you coming to Dubai any time soon? #AskJack

@威脅兒 你最近會來到杜拜嗎? #請問威脅兒 

@bonderele i hope so been there once and loved it

@bonderele 我希望可以,我曾經去過一次,我愛極了杜拜。 



@jackwilshere #askjack who changes Archie's diapers?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 誰幫阿奇換尿布? 

@Arsbiswas i have done some and loved it haha

@Arsbiswas 我換過挺多次的,而且我很喜歡哈哈 



@JackWilshere #AskJack who do you think is faster Walcott or Chamberlain?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 你覺得誰比較快?哇靠還是張伯倫? 

@joshpoole23 i think Walcott

@joshpoole23 我想是哇靠。 


@jackwilshere #AskJack who's the best rapper at Arsenal? I bet RVP has got lyrics for days?

@威脅兒 #請問威脅兒 誰是兵工廠當中最棒的繞舌歌手?我猜佩西光是準備歌詞就得花上一天? 

@Thomaskingsley i think @Frimpong26AFC is the best rapper

@Thomaskingsley  我想@Frimpong26AFC(澎澎)是最棒的饒舌歌手 



@JackWilshere why are you so poor at fifa #askjack

@威脅兒為什麼你Fifa打得這麼差啊 #請問威脅兒 

@TomWilshere4 i smash you everytime so pipe down!

@TomWilshere4 我每次都把你打得落花流水的,所以閉嘴啦!



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